Friday 20 July 2007

Food Blog Round-Up

This weekend I will mostly be...baking. Well, that's not even remotely true. This weekend I will be reading Harry Potter, and attending various birthday celebrations, which leaves little time for baking. The Show Us Your Apron event at Lucullian delights, and blogging about my own beloved apron, put me in the mood to be domestic so even if I can't act on it I'll let that ideal stay in my mind.

I have managed to at least get a loaf of bread going, thanks to a post from Greedy Goose in which she makes a kneadless loaf as adapted from Jeffrey Steingarten. The best part of the recipe is that after you combine the flour, salt, yeast and water, you walk away and leave it for a day before you bake it. Perfect. If it turns out well, there will be pictures.

Both Dessert First and Cupcake Bakeshop have some tantalizing, domestic-goddess style desserts featured. In Dessert First, there's an array of berry-based desserts especially for the summer, and my imagination is kicking in knowing that I'll be berry picking next week. At Cupcake Bakeshop, there's a beautiful fig and almond cupcake bombe to drool over. The commitment to making these beauties is humbling at any time, but knowing that the baker also has a 1-month old to look after is even more impressive. Meanwhile, my excuse for not baking is that I want to read a kid's book.

Enjoy your weekends!

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